Welcome to the OpenBridge community!
OpenBridge is currently developed through a Norwegian industry consortium with 27 members. The work is co-funded by the industry partners and the Norwegian Research Council. In addition, over 500 companies have registered to access the guideline and many of these are actively contributing to the ongoing improvement and growth of OpenBridge.
Open Bridge is a free resource, and we are dependent on contributions from the maritime industry to maintain and improve the work. There are several ways to help the work.
1. Review the guideline. You can access the public beta Figma file and comment directly in the document or submit feedback using the links in the guideline section of this website.
2. Add content or share cases for the guideline. You can send us content suggestions or case examples in mail (kjetil.nordby@aho.no).
3. Review and expand the code library. You can access our Gitlab site and comment or add new content to the library.
4. Spread the word. Share the website to your contacts or in social media.
5. Connect your research. Relevant research results can be shared through OpenBridge. If you have research that might help improve OpenBridge. Please send us a mail (kjetil.nordby@aho.no).
OpenBridge is a joint industry effort to solve some of the challenges in the maritime industry by developing OpenBridge Design System, The OpenBridge Consortium currently has 27 public and industrial partners representing most stakeholders involved in design, development and use of maritime workplaces. We are currently not expanding the consortium, but if your company want to contribute to OpenBridge, please contact us for a talk.

OpenBridge is built on ongoing research from multiple academic partners. The project welcomes research collaborations focusing on workplace design, guidelines or other work that can contribute to the OpenBridge Design System. The project is an excellent opportunity to engage with a broad consortium of industry actors focusing on improving maritime design. If you have research that can be linked to OpenBridge, feel free to contact us.
Following is a list of publications done in conjunction with the project. Read more about our research at out Medium site and on Research Gate, and see our latest activity on LinkedIn.
Journals and conference articles
Mallam,S.C., Nordby, K., Johnsen, S. O. & Bjørneseth, F. B. (2020). The Digitalization of Navigation: Examining the Accident and Aftermath of US Navy Destroyer John S. McCain. In Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Damaged Ships V, March 11th, 2019,London, United Kingdom.
Nordby, K., Mallam,S., & Lutshoft, M. (2019). Open user interface architecture for digital multi vendorship bridge systems. Journal of Maritime Affairs.
Nordby, K., Gernez, E., Mallam, S., (2019). OpenBridge: Designing for Consistency Across User Interfaces in Multi-Vendor Ship Bridges. Presented at the Ergoship2019, Haugesund, Norway.
Nordby,K., & Morrison, A. (2016). Designing calm technology and peripheral interaction for offshore service vessels. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1–13.
Frydenberg,Synne; Nordby, Kjetil; Eikenes, Jon Olav. Exploring designs of augmented reality for bridges in arctic waters. Human Factors, London, UK. 10/2018
Nordby,Kjetil; Frydenberg, Synne Geirsdatter; Fauske, Jon. Demonstrating a maritime design system for realising consistent design of multi-vendor ship’s bridges. I: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Human Factors Papers 2018. Royal Institution of Naval Architects 2018 ISBN 9781909024809. s.39-47
Nordby,Kjetil; Lurås, Sigrun. Multimodal interaction for marine workplaces used as strategy to limit effect of situational impairment in demanding maritime operations. I: Marine Design 2015. 2-3 September 2015, London. London: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects 2015 ISBN 978-1-909024-42-7. s.73-77
Mallam, Steven; Nordby, Kjetil. Assessment of Current Maritime Bridge Design Regulations and Guidance. Oslo: Arkitektur og Designhøgskolen i Oslo, 2018
Popular media
Harmonising maritime workplace design through collaboration, new technologies and open innovation. The Naval Architect: International Journal of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. March 2019 Issue, p.p. 22-24