Search box
March 29, 2020
The textbox is an area where the user can type in and edit text. It can contain both values and one or multiple lines of text.
The textbox can be used in a standard version and with steppers.

Standard search box
The placeholder texts describes the value or text that should be inserted. Usually it does not need to be labeled.

Standard search box
The placeholder texts describes the value or text that should be inserted. Usually it does not need to be labeled.
Component building blocks
Describes how the search box is built up and styled.
The search box is a version of the textbox, but with a centered label and a search icon on the right side of the box.

Colors and styles
The search box uses the normal style.

Typography and icons
The label tells you about your location in the application and makes it easy to access other parts.

This component is built up by a oval slider and icons.

The look of the states are defined by the style.